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G S Medilinks
At GSMedilinks, We are beyond the technique of Patients, providers, and patients who care during the Visit. Understanding their needs, we unlock the insights leading to solutions for the most important moments of care, whether in a Hospital or Home. We bring together a diagnostic breadth and depth of expertise, technology, and services, actionable data, consultant new business models and partnerships. The company involved in importing, trading and distributing a wide assortment of ECG Machine, Blood Pressure Monitor, Fetal Monitor, Fetal Doppler, Pulse Oximeter, Orthopedic Casting Tape, SpO2 Sensor, and many more products.
GSMedilinks is a fast-growing technology company focused on developing innovative remote patient monitoring, care support and telemedicine solutions for community-based healthcare. Our Virtual Care Platform uses a high-tech, low-touch approach to provide high-quality health care services, improve health outcomes, increase the quality of life for patients and families, and reduce the cost of care delivery in community settings…
Improvement in the experiences of patients, providers, and carers means walking outside the hospital walls. In today’s healthcare environment, diagnosis and treatment are not enough. Patients and practitioners are looking for ways to stay healthy for a long time after managing health conditions and after treatment before issues arise. Our solutions have been developed strategically to work harmoniously during the visit of the patient.
Our overall vision of healthcare is beyond the distribution of care. This includes how we make solutions and why it is so important to include our customers as part of the process. Bringing deep diagnostic expertise and important insights from data and analytics, we provide innovative solutions with our customers that really matter. With you, we take risks and share responsibilities- so that we can transform together how care is delivered and experienced. It is a Unique perspective that empowers us all to make a healthy future together.